Yeah, I’ve actually added photos. Only a couple new albums though in the gallery, which has some nice handy links on the side to photos and what not now.

I am trying to figure out what other photos need to be added from my iPhone to the gallery pages. So far today I added a batch of Colorado photos (not all of them though) and Rigby photos (and again, not all of them)!

More to come eventually, I mean I do have over 400 photos on my phone so they have to go somewhere right?

Oh yeah, I got a new layout too…eh, its alright for now! 🙂

Yeah, its been a few days..or a couple weeks if you are keeping score at home since my last post. Just wanted to write a quick update on a few things:

  • Austin City Limits (ACL) is next weekend…I have my three-day pass and I am ready to go!
  • Get to see the Foo Fighters, Vampire Weekend, Beck, NERD, Gnarls Barkley, MGMT, and The Black Keys there to name a few.
  • is currently down (but not out). Had to redo some things and am currently trying to come up with a new design.
  • The Lakeview site is coming together quite nicely, more things are being added here and there.
  • Rigby (pictured above) is growing every day here, he’s a little over three months old now too! And he still bits everything and wants to chew on anything he can.
  • Today is my one year anniversary at Wieck Media. Yay, time for a raise!

Okay, that’s all for now.

Ah, more new music here. Just downloaded the new Kings of Leon CD called “Only By The Night”. I don’t know what it is about this band that I enjoy so much but this is another solid CD by them. Check it out…by any means possible!

Tonight I am coming to you all from the Dallas Morning News. Yup, I’m working late…until midnight CT. Its cool though, I’m totally use to working this late and once a week isn’t too shabby either. Plus its a little extra money…for you know gas, food, life.

I wanted to check out how WordPress looked in IE too. So far, I can say I see why I hate using IE and why Firefox or Safari are far better. Half of my usual fun admin things aren’t even available. Yikes.

I also figured I would pass the time with this simple post though and it looks as though I have – because work is starting to come in since it’s a football night!

Saw the recent AP Poll for College Football. WVU is still at number eight. Good spot for them really. I watched most of their season opener against Villanova.

I liked a few things:

  • The offense really clicked for most of the game.
  • Pat White had 5 TDs…all in the air and none on the ground, probably something we will have to get use to seeing here this season.
  • Despite a lousy start the defense played fairly well, forcing a couple turnovers that lead to points.
  • Pat McAfee still has a solid leg.

Things I didn’t like:

  • Other than the third quarter and a couple turnovers the defense got ran over by a I-AA school. Yikes.
  • Noel Devine had next to nothing on the ground in the running game, which in all respect I kind of liked because this wasn’t the game to let him run for 200 yards.

Also, loved some of the new video boards at Mountaineer Field. They looked good on TV and will come across even better once they are all finished.

Eastern Carolina is up next this weekend. Boy am I ever nervous for that one.

You know what that is? The sound of politics at work. Both Barrack Obama and John McCain have picked their VPs or running mates. Both are rather amusing, just like this Presidential race.

Obama went with Delaware Senator Joe Biden. A man who is more known for his wild and crazy comments like about Rudy Giuliani in the primary season. He said Giuliani says three things in a sentence, “a noun, a verb and 9/11”. Tough comments, but an interesting choice nonetheless by Obama.

McCain went for Alaskian Govenor Sarah Palin. Obviously he is wanting those Hillary Clinton voters by taking a women as his running mate. Bold move, not sure if it will pay off in the end though.

We will see. I still think we could have done better than these two but then again we always say that about our President.

I haven’t talked about music in a while but today I downloaded the new Verve CD called Forth. All I can say is man I am glad these guys are back together. They’ve broken up more times than I can remember but their latest work may be some of their best. From their lead track Love is Noise to Judas and Noise Epic.

Check it out, buy it, illegally download, whatever. Its good.

Most people know I am an iPhone lover. I’ve had an iPhone since about this time last year and I absolutely love it. This year I got even more hyped up about my phone’s potential awesomeness with the new App Store that Apple unveiled back in July. I had pretty much been waiting on it all year, even though my phone was jailbroken and had some 3rd party apps on it before then.

Since the App Store came out I have probably flooded my phone with cool and exciting things. But it wasn’t all peachy and sweet. Before the ‘2.0’ software came out with the App Store the phone worked flawlessly. Hardly any bumps in the road and only a need of a reset from time to time.

With the App Store came bugs, and lots of them. Apple has had two “bug fix” updates since July with more on the way. Its almost like the phone software went from stable and awesome to crazy and annoying.

I love many of the features but day after day some bugs appear out of no where. Just today I read that there was a new security bug with the phone. Great! Just what we all need, people hacking out phones in midair. Apple is expected to patch it up once more just as they have always done.

I just miss that stablity with this phone. It’s still the best thing I’ve ever bought for myself but the bugs get quite annoying from time to time. At least they don’t interupt my playing of de Blob!



I know I haven’t talked about this at all but recently Becca and I got a new puppy! He is a ladradoodle (so a Lab and Poodle mix) and his name is Rigby (think Beatles for the naming).

He’s a little ankle biter but what else can you expect from a puppy. I will try to post more photos of him shortly. I am going to be doing a new gallery thing on here to try to get my photos to display a little more fluidly. It may take some time but since I’ve been messing around the with Lakeview site I found some neat things to do photos with that I want to try on here as well.

Lakeview Community Church website

Lakeview Community Church website

Just less than a week since I started working on the Lakeview church website, things are moving along rather nicely. I’ve pretty much been given full control over design over the whole project, which is nice. I’m sure there will be plenty of suggestions on how to make it great and that will be nice.

Hopefully there won’t be too many crazy requests or suggestions, though they do seem pretty set on having some sort of Flash element to it. And honestly, that just won’t happen. I don’t have the time for it but I do have some tricks up my sleeve that look Flash-like here so it should please whoever seems to want that kind of thing on the site.

I keep moving things around here and there on it so if you give it a look it may change from the next time you take a glance at it. I’m still waiting on content as well, but that’s just part of the game when you build a website for someone like a church. The waiting game of content.

I will try to keep you all posted on how that is coming along here.