…above that is. Yeah, I was asked recently to do a website make over for my local church (Lakeview Community Church). So I’ve gone out and got the church a new domain (since their old one expired) and some quality hosting (something that probably wasn’t with the old site anyways).

Check out the progress at lakeview-church.org.

Its been a while since my last post but I’ve been waiting around lately for an update to my blogging software (WordPress) to do some things around here. This new look may not last too long but I found it earlier today and thought it was pretty neat looking.

Yup, I know I don’t write on here but maybe while I am on vacation later this month in Colorado I will. At least I want to try to make an effort to post some photos and what not on here. Don’t worry I’m not getting rid of this place, I’m just trying to figure out what exactly to do with it these days….

I know this is probably old but I just came across it recently…with all the election stuff going on and everything our country has to deal with this video made me laugh about it even more than before. Its from when the Iranian president came to visit the US a year ago (or so). Its nice to know we can still poke fun at things and get away with it.

I know the constant theme on here is how I don’t write anything for weeks on end and then I come back and say that I mean to and all. Fact is I am busy with work and life in general. Not that I don’t like owning this place I just think its not high up on my list of things to do all the time. Don’t worry though, this website isn’t going away anytime soon for those who do care. I have plans for its future but until then we will have random posts from yours truly.

Until next time…which may be next month at this rate! haha

Also, until then enjoy my new musical craze, Vampire Weekend:

Yeah, I know, I am terrible at updating this anymore. Work has been keeping me mighty busy and any spare time I try to spend it with Becca, her family and my family. That doesn’t leave a lot of time for blogging on the ol’ epp6 anymore. I’m not getting rid of this site though so this isn’t one of those pity-party speeches about how it was a good run or anything like that.

This is more of a “hey I’m still alive” kind of post. 🙂

I have plenty of recent photos to share, but when I get more time they will be posted! Soccer season is starting up soon, and hopefully I will have plenty of photos of that when it does!

Been busy to say the least. January here at my company is a busy time but I cannot complain one bit abut it.

Anywho, time to dish out some b-day wishes:

Happy late birthday to Michael, Dad and Fatboy

Happy Birthday tomorrow to Mom!

And Happy Birthday to me in a week or so. Yay! What will I do for a b-day? Go to work and that’s probably about it. I’m not all that big on birthdays, and I’m really not asking for much of anything for it. I can’t get a snow day anymore so maybe 60 degrees and sunny? 🙂

Sorry for the lack of writing, been busy since I returned to the Big D.

But I couldn’t resist posting a video of last night’s bowl win for WVU over Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. What a game!!


If you wanna check out Christmas at the Epperley house, feel free to click here and check it all out!
