Merry Christmas to all, hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and that Santa was good to you all.

As for the rest of the nifty-gifties that I got for Christmas, today I unwrapped season 1 of 30 Rock, a couple Sudoku books, a stocking full of random goodies, a 1TB external hard drive (my laptop feels so light now that I have moved everything over to it), and a new WVU hoodie, and a couple sports related items from ESPN.

Wonderful holiday to say the least. Apparently there is more on the way when I return to Dallas on Thursday. Some joint gifts to me and Becca!

Well so far this holiday season I haven’t opened too many gifts. One would be the flight home to West Virginia for the (almost) week off.

The other would be the Nintendo Wii that Becca gave me. It came with a couple games like Tiger Woods 08, Play, and this fishing game that I have yet to get a chance to play. I really didn’t get a lot of time to play on the Wii because Becca and I exchanged gifts the night before I flew home.

I will be giving you all the rest of the spread after tomorrow on what I get for Christmas.

But remember the reason for the season and that is not the presents but to remember that our Lord Jesus Christ was born!!!!  

Only a couple more days until the big guy comes down and gives us lots of goodies! I thought it was time for a change around here and I finally was able to find a new look that seems nice and pleasing. Hope you enjoy it too!

I will hopefully be adding more content soon after the Holidays. Feel free to let me know what you think of the new look!

Until Christmas….wow. Time is flyin by my friends.

Still got some shopping to do? Yeah, don’t worry I am not nearly finished with mine. I did all the little gift cards for some people but now it is on to the more bigger items for family and for Becca. I know what I am getting everyone, I just have to actually take the time and do it.

More than likely I will be in a frantic rush next Thursday to buy gifts before I have to pack up and fly home to West Virginia on that Friday.

If for some reason you need more gift ideas for me…well you shouldn’t really but gift cards always work nicely with me as well.

I will say I love how festive things are down here in Dallas. Then again I try and make the most of it while I can by listening to countless hours of Christmas music in the car when I drive everywhere. Plus I love a Christmas movie when I am able to see one, even if it is a bad one on the Hallmark channel or something.

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season so far. Only two weeks left!!

Same kind of sweat pants (my soccer ones from high school), same college on the shirt (WVU baby, it was game day), and almost the same style of laptop!

What can I say we were made for one another! 🙂


So, I totally ripped this from a year old post on Elemoose’s blog. It sounded fun, and I’m bored.

Seven Things to Do Before I Die:
1. Broadcast a World Cup Soccer game.
2. Write a book.
3. Attend every major sporting event (SuperBowl, World Series, etc.).
4. Get a radio show doing sports…maybe even soccer.
5. Get married and have a family.
6. Stay connected with friends all over.
7. Live as happy as possibly.

Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. Eat weird foods.
2. Manage Money.
3. Stop obsessing over sports.
4. Drive a Stick.
5. Keep up with a Fantasy Football/Baseball/Soccer teams consistently.
6. Pray Consistently.
7. Decorate a house.

Seven Things that (will) Attract Me to My Spouse/Significant Other :
1. Her green eyes.
2. The way she kisses me.
3. Her way of keeping me from being stupid (sometimes a decently controlling girlfriend/spouse can help a person like me).
4. The way she dresses in work clothes and in sweat-pants.
5. How she yells at refs and cheers for teams that she likes and that I like.
6. How she loves me.
7. Her compassion for others.

Seven Things I Say (or write!) Most Often:
1. Dude.
2. Hey man.
3. Sweet!
4. Neat-o
5. Son of a bee-sting….son of a nutcracker…son of a b
6. Riiight.

Seven Books (or series) I Love:
1. Harry Potter
2 1984
3. When The Relatives Came
4. Book of Acts
5. Book of Revelations
6. The Giver
7. When I Was Young in The Mountains

Seven Movies I Would Watch Over and Over Again:
1. Anchorman
2. Old School
3. Lord of the Rings (all of them)
4. Harry Potter (all of them)
5. Wedding Crashers
6. Jason Bourne (all of them)
7. Ocean’s 11,12,13

Turkey Day has come and passed and so has another milestone: the 5 year anniversary of!

Crazy to think that I have owned this domain (website) for 5 years now. I have moved it around from time to time when service providers get lame or crappy but it has stuck through and lasted longer than I had really thought when I first bought it.

Five years ago on a Thanksgiving night I was bored and wanting something fun to do, so I did what I had always wanted to do and that was buy a website to call my own. Not have some site at the end of a long chain at geocities (remember the pages?)…I also didn’t want a website full of pop-up ads and random junk that those providers put on their pages (ever noticed the lack of ads here?).

As time passed some things on this site have gone too. My updating and rambling had been hit or miss but this website has toughed through it. I still hope that it continues to do so through the next 5 years.

Thank you to those who read this and check up on it. Its another home for me to go to (so to speak) when I am bored. Again, thank you.

Hard to believe the holidays are already here. Its all good though, means lots of good things. I have already started my annual holiday movie watching. I went out and bought a few holiday classics and even got to go see Fred Claus today (very good I think for a holiday flick).

Turkey day is this week, which also means some shorten weeks for some. Not really for me, the nature of my job and of my field really in journalism means I don’t get holidays off all the time. I do get Thanksgiving off but unlike most people I don’t get the day after off or really even the day before. Its all good though since we shouldn’t be busy at all right now at work. An auto show just ended so we might even be slow until next year (weird to say that already) when the Detroit show hits.

Another cool thing about this week is this website. I won’t be unrolling any new design or anything special but this site will be celebrating its 5th birthday on Thanksgiving. Yup, just five short years ago I decided to open this site on a Thanksgiving night, things were a lot different back then but not a whole lot has really changed over the years.

That’s a bit of what is going on in my neck of the woods this week. Hopefully I will be able to look back at the last few years of this website this week too. Kinda weird to think that I have owned this site for that long already. Not a bad investment I will say. Something I definitely plan on keeping open for years to come if I can help it.

Just thought of another couple potential Christmas items that I wouldn’t mind having.

  • 30 Rock (season 1)
  • new WVU hoodie
  • a new WVU soccer shirt (if they have made any recently)
  • a new WVU football shirt

That is all for now…I know it is only a couple things but ideas are ideas. The more the better I guess for everyone to have options.