So some of you have asked who I will be living with soon. Well that’s easy my brother, his girlfriend and her little brother. I know that’s easier said than done but here are photos of those lovely three just so you get a sense of who they are a little better…plus I know Jennifer […]

Thank you to everyone who wished me happy birthday yesterday! It was a good day I must say! So thanks again everyone!

Ah, Super Bowl Sunday. Its almost as an American Holiday as well Christmas or New Years. Everyone pretty much stops for four or five hours to see two teams, even if they have no care in the world who wins, duke it out for some classy looking trophy with some Italian dude’s name on it. […]

I felt to take the time here to write a quick little blurp. I found out today that a good friend of mine Drew Maust will finally be able to have his wife here in the country. For those who don’t know Drew married a girl from England and the immagration process is very very […]

You know, something about that place just screams high school basketball to me. I know why it does since I’ve seen probably way too many high shcool basketball games over the years in the Civic Center. But you’d think it would have been different for a college game last night against Marshall. Nope. Not a […]