I know I hardly ever seem to get the time to update this these days. I do spend a lot of time job hunting though. That isn’t going great so far, the radio market is a little bit tougher than many expect it to be.

I still have my hopes up. There are some possibilities out there I think. It just comes down to me finding them or them taking me!

I will keep you all posted on it as usual though.

Okay, as many of you know I have been gone for two weeks in Texas trying to find jobs. Though I wasn’t successful at finding anything I did make some contacts that could help me out in the long run.

I felt now would be a good time to post some photos of the new house (some of you have been curious what it turned out to) and some of my Austin photos. So bear with me, there are a lot of photos here.


My room…still some boxes and tubs…probably will always be like that until I move out…


Hallway to the bathroom and Andrew’s room:

Andrew’s Room:

Front Door:

Living Room…notice the new TV that Mikey got…big…real big..:



Okay these are from Austin, at Mt. Bonnell overlooking Lake Austin:

Yeah, less than a week away from moving here. I will have the new address posted soon once I remember to actually write it down for a change. I have spent a good majority of this day packing up my junk. I have cleared out my DVD shelf, my night stand shelf that had a lot of books and CDs, and I am almost done with my desk and another shelf.

I have made some progress which is encouraging to me right now. Not to mention the “to-do” list that I have right now I have knocked out a few items on it today which is always nice to do.

Still a long way to go, I felt like taking a break and talking about it on here. I am due a break here today I think. Between laundry, packing, looking for jobs, more packing, more laundry, getting a haircut, more packing, more job hunting and did I mention packing? Yeah. Tomorrow will be a continuation of this as well. Though I will be doing more school work. I have a test to study for an a theater scene to memorize.

Thankfully my break is less than a week away so all is looking well.

I am busy and lazy when it comes to updating this thing right now. I went home last weekend for the first time that wasn’t a holiday in probably a year. Yay for that, Beckley is still Beckley, and for some reason my spell checker on here doesn’t think Beckley is spelled correctly. Well it is wrong.

In other news, my two week spring break is rapidly approaching. And out move to a new house is even more so rapidly approaching. I think I have cleaned out two tubs and will use those for the move. Other than that I haven’t done a darn thing in getting ready to move here. As sadly enough that is coming up in a matter of two weeks or so.

Also, I finally have my soccer games on file. Yay for that. I will be hopefully putting them on here for everyone’s enjoyment (and for future bosses enjoyment to listen and say “I want to hire this kid”). I won’t put full game on here unless I feel like it. It won’t be a streaming download type of deal. More of a right-click and download onto your own computer deal. I don’t own the bandwidth for any internet streaming…or maybe I do. I will have to check into that. As far as basketball games being put on here that is another story for another day. I have them on tape, but not CD right now. Gotta work on that really.

Nothing too new going on here…very busy all across the board with class, work, and radio station stuff…and not to mention job searching. I’ve been searching more and more as of late and I have posted my resume on many sites. I am slowly working on a site on here to contain all of my broadcasting samples. I am waiting to get my soccer games on file to cut up here. Once those are up I will let you all know!

Other things going on…this Tuesday at 7 pm (6 CT) I will be traveling to Pittsburgh to do more play-by-play for the women’s basketball team as the will battle with Pitt. This will actually be my third play-by-play game in a row as of late. I called a game yesterday as the ladies defeated USF. I am battling a sore throat right now so if you heard last night’s game, I am sorry, my voice wasn’t the best…but thankfully it is feeling a little better right now. Let’s hope by Tuesday night it will be fine and ready to go.

Lastly on the menu here tonight, we here at 109 Rystan Place will soon be moving into a new house. Yup, a year here in Rystan Place was enough for us all I suppose. I don’t have the address of the new joint but I will have that for you in the coming weeks. Yes, I said weeks…we should be on the move within the next three weeks or so I believe. And by the looks of things it may need more time! Maybe.

Here are some photos of the new place. It is almost done!

Just to let everyone know, I will be broadcasting a game this weekend on U92…Sunday at 3pm ET. Pregame will be a half-hour before tipoff.

Click the U92 link on the side and then follow the links there.


to everyone today, thanks for the birthday wishes! they definitely made my day!

I hate saying how busy I have been lately but being on the road again this past weekend will do that to you. And I will be back on the road again this weekend. Thankfully it will be the last road trip that I will make with the women’s basketball team. Which is really good because I need some time to recover and get some things done.

Not to mention I have opened a new website that I really wanna dive into. I bascially re-opened a sports blog for myself. I really, mainly, just want to focus on my blogging soccer related articles. Check it out…http://www.wvhooligan.com …almost like the old site but I just need more time to get some old post back on there really. That may take some time.

But other than all that things are going pretty well here. Can’t complain other than how cold it is outside. The cold just hits you in the face when you get out there.

The next game that I will be doing will be this coming Sunday. I don’t know the time but like I said I will be on the road, I believe at Rutgers. Check back for more info on that.

When the snow is coming down and there is nothing else to do but sit around after finishing homework, you may as well go online and be board right?

So how about some old SNL clips? Enjoy.

Everyone loves Barry Gibb…you know you do.