I know this is probably old but I just came across it recently…with all the election stuff going on and everything our country has to deal with this video made me laugh about it even more than before. Its from when the Iranian president came to visit the US a year ago (or so). Its nice to know we can still poke fun at things and get away with it.

Yeah, I know, I am terrible at updating this anymore. Work has been keeping me mighty busy and any spare time I try to spend it with Becca, her family and my family. That doesn’t leave a lot of time for blogging on the ol’ epp6 anymore. I’m not getting rid of this site though so this isn’t one of those pity-party speeches about how it was a good run or anything like that.

This is more of a “hey I’m still alive” kind of post. 🙂

I have plenty of recent photos to share, but when I get more time they will be posted! Soccer season is starting up soon, and hopefully I will have plenty of photos of that when it does!

Been busy to say the least. January here at my company is a busy time but I cannot complain one bit abut it.

Anywho, time to dish out some b-day wishes:

Happy late birthday to Michael, Dad and Fatboy

Happy Birthday tomorrow to Mom!

And Happy Birthday to me in a week or so. Yay! What will I do for a b-day? Go to work and that’s probably about it. I’m not all that big on birthdays, and I’m really not asking for much of anything for it. I can’t get a snow day anymore so maybe 60 degrees and sunny? 🙂

Well so far this holiday season I haven’t opened too many gifts. One would be the flight home to West Virginia for the (almost) week off.

The other would be the Nintendo Wii that Becca gave me. It came with a couple games like Tiger Woods 08, Play, and this fishing game that I have yet to get a chance to play. I really didn’t get a lot of time to play on the Wii because Becca and I exchanged gifts the night before I flew home.

I will be giving you all the rest of the spread after tomorrow on what I get for Christmas.

But remember the reason for the season and that is not the presents but to remember that our Lord Jesus Christ was born!!!!  

So, I totally ripped this from a year old post on Elemoose’s blog. It sounded fun, and I’m bored.

Seven Things to Do Before I Die:
1. Broadcast a World Cup Soccer game.
2. Write a book.
3. Attend every major sporting event (SuperBowl, World Series, etc.).
4. Get a radio show doing sports…maybe even soccer.
5. Get married and have a family.
6. Stay connected with friends all over.
7. Live as happy as possibly.

Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. Eat weird foods.
2. Manage Money.
3. Stop obsessing over sports.
4. Drive a Stick.
5. Keep up with a Fantasy Football/Baseball/Soccer teams consistently.
6. Pray Consistently.
7. Decorate a house.

Seven Things that (will) Attract Me to My Spouse/Significant Other :
1. Her green eyes.
2. The way she kisses me.
3. Her way of keeping me from being stupid (sometimes a decently controlling girlfriend/spouse can help a person like me).
4. The way she dresses in work clothes and in sweat-pants.
5. How she yells at refs and cheers for teams that she likes and that I like.
6. How she loves me.
7. Her compassion for others.

Seven Things I Say (or write!) Most Often:
1. Dude.
2. Hey man.
3. Sweet!
4. Neat-o
5. Son of a bee-sting….son of a nutcracker…son of a b
6. Riiight.

Seven Books (or series) I Love:
1. Harry Potter
2 1984
3. When The Relatives Came
4. Book of Acts
5. Book of Revelations
6. The Giver
7. When I Was Young in The Mountains

Seven Movies I Would Watch Over and Over Again:
1. Anchorman
2. Old School
3. Lord of the Rings (all of them)
4. Harry Potter (all of them)
5. Wedding Crashers
6. Jason Bourne (all of them)
7. Ocean’s 11,12,13

I know its a little more than a month away but I felt like posting some items that I know I am wanting for Christmas this year.

  • Nintendo Wii
    • Extra game remote
    • Play (group of games)
    • FIFA 08
  • External Hard Drive (either 750 GB or 1 TB)
  • (Maybe) Bluetooth for iPhone….either Jawbreak or Apple Bluetooth
  • The Office (Season 3)
  • Seinfeld (Season 9…I think it is 9, either way its the last season)
  • My Name Is Earl (Season 2)

This is my list for now…things will change, probably because I will get/download some of the shows I want on DVD.

The Wii will probably come from Becca, we both know what we are getting each other this year (she’s getting a iPod).

UPDATE: Do not worry about the latest season of Seinfeld, I had a very nice coupon to Barnes and Noble and I picked up that copy. 

I will admit, I kind of wanted to see it happen. A comedian, someone who pokes-fun of the political process, to run and win a presidential campaign. Not because of the state we are in but because it would be interesting to see someone with a staff of witty writers go to the White House and help a President deal with whatever it is he deals with on a daily basis.

Yes, Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert won’t be the next President of the United States but it does make me wonder what would be worse these days? A lady that most hate? A black man that no one really knows? A guy that helped out in the 9/11 craziness? I don’t really know.

I am still waiting on the day that we vote for a guy (or gal) that isn’t associated with either Republican or Democrats. That will be the day I think that really shows that enough people have woken up in American to show that they really care about the government and what goes on in Washington. We get screwed more times than not by our leaders but we never seem to do enough about it though.

The dream for Colbert was fun, his shows were more interesting during his time of ‘campaigning’. My vote is still very much undecided at the moment for 2008, and that isn’t a bad thing at all I guess right now.

Still getting things back up and running on here. The photo section of the site seems to be doing really well right now. So give it a look when you get a chance. I haven’t put any captions on the photos (something that will definitely take time) but there are plenty of photos on the site now. From old photos to pretty recent photos from my work place and a hockey game…even the wedding photos for Mikey and Jennifer. I’m pretty happy with way things turned out with that.

I still have some other person stuff to upload on here like my resume sound and my document resume as well. That kind of stuff may be left off for a little while until I can go through it a little better than before.

Plenty of things going on around here in Dallas these days too. Becca and her dad are currently driving back from LA; they are helping her sister and her brother-in-law move back to Texas. Today is also catch up day on the telly for me, I missed a bunch of shows this past week since work was a little busier than it had been in recent weeks.

Let me know what you think of the site now that some things are moved around.

Okay, I have a new photo site here that is slowly getting off the ground and all.


click that link to view the photos. Its a little better organized than before. I had tried this program before but couldn’t figure out certain things about it but apparently this is a newer version that is a little better to use! Let me know what you think of it.

So, I am trying to figure out what to do with this site these days. The email I have with it is flooded with junk daily (new email is drew.epperley@gmail.com) and I haven’t spent nearly as much time on this thing due to me not being too fond of my web host and how they have things set up for me.

So I think it is that time of year around here where I pack things up and move to a new web host. I think at least that is the plan. I am not worried about the email being flooded, it is long passed the point of even trying to save it from being getting as much spam as it does. I don’t know how on earth it got to be that bad but I can point at least some blame to my web host who has given me horrible service on the email help.

Anyways, not to complain too much here about them, they were cheap so I guess I got what I paid for and also this domain (epp6.com) is paid for already through the end of 2008, so I have to keep it regardless and just get new service.

What does this mean though? Not a lot, I will move this site and pay for new hosting service and try to be better about updating it. Which, come this November and December is looking like an easy thing to do since I will be more settled into things and will want to post more photos online here. Hopefully I can get my photos page working better again.

More updates to come when the time comes but expect within the next couple weeks for this site to be on the moooove!