Congrats are in order to Sarah and David St. Louis today. They found out that they are expecting a little baby boy (soon to be named Ryan Matthew St. Louis). Yay for baby Louie and his happy parents-to-be. I know Becca and her family are excited for another baby to be on the way here.

And I was right on my prediction of them expecting a “dude.”

And again with Becca, Sarah and David

I am coming to you all tonight from the road! Gotta love being able to blog anywhere these days, even without a computer! Yup, I’m on my phone blogging!

Anyways, Becca and I are on our way to Austin for ACL. I may try to blog more on my phone while I am there.



I know I haven’t talked about this at all but recently Becca and I got a new puppy! He is a ladradoodle (so a Lab and Poodle mix) and his name is Rigby (think Beatles for the naming).

He’s a little ankle biter but what else can you expect from a puppy. I will try to post more photos of him shortly. I am going to be doing a new gallery thing on here to try to get my photos to display a little more fluidly. It may take some time but since I’ve been messing around the with Lakeview site I found some neat things to do photos with that I want to try on here as well.